The distribution of tracts pre-dates the development of the printing press, with the term being applied by scholars to religious and political works at least as early as the 13th century.
They were used to disseminate the teachings of John Wycliffe in the 14th century. As a political tool, they proliferated throughout Europe during the 17th century.
They have been printed as persuasive religious material since the invention of Gutenberg's printing press, being widely utilized by Martin Luther during the start of the Lutheran movement of Christianity.
Tracts were used both within England, affecting the conversion of pioneer missionary to China, Hudson Taylor, as well as in the crosscultural missions that movements such as Taylor founded: the China Inland Mission.
Charles Spurgeon wrote many tracts, and in addition to these evangelical writings, his "Penny Sermons" were printed weekly and distributed widely by the millions and used in a similar way, and they still are today.
Charles Spurgeon stated, “When preaching and private talk are not available, you need to have a tract ready…Get good striking tracts, or none at all. But a touching gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Therefore, do not go out without your tracts.”
The publishing of tracts for religious purposes has continued unabated, with many evangelical tract ministries, in particular, existing today.
One of the most widely distributed was "The Four Spiritual Laws" authored by Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ and first published in 1965.
Why Should a Christian use Gospel Tracts?
We’ve all read Jesus’ command, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." The problem is how to do it effectively. We are all busy these days and it seems like we have never have enough time to witness or we don't know how to start the conversation.
With all these people that go by us every day, whether it is at work, school, or at the grocery store, how can we obey Jesus and reach out to them? Gospel tracts can help!
According to Billy Graham, “Nothing surpasses a tract for sowing the seed of the Good News.”
How can Gospel Tracts help?
There are many ways that tracts can help us be effective in sowing the seed of the Good News.
Have you ever noticed that when you try to witness to someone (to obey the Lord’s command) something or someone would interrupt you. I have. If I was in an office, the phone would ring. If I was in a home, the dog would bark. If I was at the grocery store the kids would was always something!
I found that I could give these tracts to anyone and, if something interrupted our conversation, that tract would go into their pocket to be read later. They were "interruption proof"!
This was just one advantage but, here are some more:
- Tracts can provide an opening for us to share our faith. We can watch people’s reaction as we give them tracts, and see if they are open to listening to spiritual things.
- They can do the witnessing for us. If we are too shy to speak to people about the things of God, we can at least give them tracts, or leave tracts lying around so that others will pick them up.
- They speak to the individuals when they are ready. They don’t read it until they want to. No one "forces" them to read it.
- They can find their way into people’s homes when we can’t.
- They don’t get into arguments; they just state their case.
If you have never given out tracts, why not begin today?
I use to have the fear of man and so I would be afraid of what people would say or think of me when handing out a tract. So I started out just by leaving them in places, like at the store or I would put them in all my bills that I mailed out.
As I got more comfortable I would go to the park and carry the million dollar bill and ask people as I walked by if they got one of these. Some would say no thanks, but most would take one. Occasionally, they would stop and ask me what it was and then I would begin to share my faith.
Get yourself some good looking tracts and do your part in the Great Commission. You can find a unique million dollar bill gospel tract on our website. These tracts are so compelling that people will ask you for more.