“Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Mark 10:17” (KJV)
Of all the questions that could ever be asked, of all the questions that could ever be answered, none is more important than this one. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? That is the most important question that can be asked and answered.
Everyone of us is Eternal. Everyone of us is immortal. No soul ever goes out of existence. Our bodies die, but our souls go on forever.
The only question is where will we spend eternity. This is the most important question that can ever be asked.
Today, let's look at Mark chapter 10 and see how Jesus answers this question. This is a wonderful account of the rich young ruler. He comes to Jesus, he says, “What do I do to have eternal life?” which is a great question. “How do I get into heaven?” is what he’s asking.
So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. " verse 18. Jesus is correcting his understanding of good.
And Jesus says to him, “Do you know the law?” verse 19. “Do not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, defraud; and then honor your father and your mother.” So He gives him the law.
Why does Jesus give him the Law?
The Law was designed primarily as an evangelistic tool.
Paul wrote that he “had not known sin, but by the law” (Romans 7:7)
“Sin is transgression of the law."—1 John 3:4
The Bible makes it very clear that it is the law that actually converts the soul.
“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul."—Psalm 19:7
The idea is to confront his sin and his violation of God’s law.
But instead of that the response is quite the contrary. He says, “Teacher,” – verse 20 – “I’ve kept all these things from my youth up. I never have broken the law.” I mean, it’s unbelievable, right? This man believes he’s good, and he won’t admit his sin.
So Jesus says, “You want eternal life? The first thing you have to recognize is you’re a sinner. If you don’t know that you’re a sinner, then you’re not going to be able to receive eternal life; it’s for repentant people.” And so He confronts his sin; the guy denies that he has any.
There’s a second component in salvation and that is a willingness to obey Christ. First you admit you’re a sinner; secondly, you submit to Christ.
So he gives him a test, and He says, “Look, go sell everything you have, take your money, give it to the poor; and then follow Me.”
“No way.” Two things the young man wouldn’t do. One, he wouldn’t acknowledge his sin; and two, he wouldn’t follow Christ.
Now it’s very hard to become a believer without doing those. It’s very hard to receive eternal life, it’s impossible.
And that's what Jesus says, “How hard will it be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:23).
Here he is face-to-face with the eternal life, asking the right question and going away to face eternal death. It's a horrific loss of opportunity. But in the process we learn what is necessary in doing effective, personal evangelism the way Jesus did it.
What did we learn from Jesus about doing effective personal evangelism?
1. No one is good. Jesus corrects his understanding of good. Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. " verse 18. The first thing you have to recognize is you’re a sinner. If you don’t know that you’re a sinner, then you’re not going to be able to receive eternal life; it’s for repentant people.
2. Use the Law. Jesus gives him the 5 of the 10 commandments. And Jesus says to him, “Do you know the law?” verse 19. “Do not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, defraud; and then honor your father and your mother.” The idea is to confront his sin and his violation of God’s law.
3. Submit to Christ. Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” verse 21. There is a second component in salvation and that is a willingness to obey Christ.
First you admit you’re a sinner; secondly, you repent, and thirdly you submit to Christ in obedience.
Father, help us as we evangelize the lost and share the good news of Jesus and the gospel.